About Naome


Naome Bradshaw was born in Concord, New Hampshire and raised in Florida. The oldest, and only girl of four siblings, Naome entered the foster care system at age 13, after suffering years of neglect and abuse.


A tumultuous adolescence, bouncing between foster homes and the streets, led Naome to a perplexing adulthood as she struggled with emotional regulation and alcohol, eventually resulting in chaos, in her personal and professional life, as a wife, mother, singer and entertainer.


Naome Bradshaw

In 2017 Naome was given a life changing diagnoses of c- PTSD, due to childhood trauma, which motivated her to commit to healing the wounds of the past, in order to save her family’s future.

As she became more trauma informed,Naome began to see herself and everyone in her family, past and present, in a new light. Stories told long ago took on new meaning. Patterns of generational trauma revealed themselves, as they were now easily recognized. Understanding grew compassion and self acceptance. Self acceptance stopped self sabotage.

Naome has finally found healing and happiness through EMDR therapy, practicing yoga and tracing her family tree. She believes there is healing power in the stories of our ancestors and is compelled to share her story and encourage others to do the same.